Ravens of Mars: The Pilots

The Ravens of Mars Pilots

The Ravens of Mars pilots are the most elite pilots in the solar system. Get to know them better:

SkyMaster Speerman


He is the mission commander of Raven Division.
SkyMaster Speerman used to be an
American military liaison to the Martian
Corporate Federation. He renounced his Earth
citizenship and defected to Capitol City.
His experience as a flight systems operator
has made him invaluable to Raven Division.

He will tell everything he thinks others need to know. 
He just might not tell you the full truth.

 Darius Jackson


Few humans are designated as a full-blood
member from one of the 5 Tribes of Earth.
His pure bloodline establishes his royalty status.
However, he escaped to Mars
abandoning his arranged marriage.
He pilots the Dark Raven- the stealth raven
designed for spying on the shipping lane.

Jeet Hilson


TarFace is the only Raven pilot to have won
the Cobalt Cross- the highest  piloting
award in Capitol City.

As one of the oldest pilots, he is the natural
leader within the Raven Division.  He pilots
the Raven Blade, the most recognized Raven
in Capitol City.

Isabel Klashnicov


As the pilot of the Raven Claw, she is the newest
member of the Raven Division.
She is also the youngest of the group.

But she has scored “genius” on Emotional
IQ tests. Her highly evolved emotions allow her
near super-human abilities.

When the team faces a crisis she does her best work.